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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Chattanooga, TN
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Chattanooga, TN | (423) 799 2763
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I believe in the importance of treating the whole person: body, mind, spirit. My approach is empowering you to make your own decisions, to help you set your own goals and to walk with you on your journey to health. I specialize in women's issues: self image, hormonal changes, sexual issues including desire issues, pain and trauma. Other issues addressed both male and female: relationships, anxiety, depression, grief & loss. I want to partner with you on your journey to mental health and wellness. Please feel free to call or email me to set up an appointment. You can also find me on my website to request an appointment online and on
Chattanooga, TN | (423) 380 0724
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When you have anxiety, it can feel like your world is closing in on you. Your mind may never stop racing or you feel so worried and panicked that you just want to escape for a while. You have trouble sleeping and eating and you can't enjoy life. You may have reached out for help, but it seems like no one can really understand what it's like to constantly feel on edge and afraid... like your world is going to end. View 14 Photos You want to be able to relax, you want to stop worrying, you want to shut off your mind for a while instead of constantly ruminating over what you're worried about. You want to find support from someone who gets it. I specialize in anxiety treatment and will help you find and fix the root cause of your anxiety. Don't wait another day. Take back control of your life. Call today to set up an appointment.
Chattanooga, TN | (423) 401 6124
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Kelly is a Licensed Professional Counselor, is pursuing licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Tennessee, and is a National Certified Counselor. She works with individuals, couples, and families pursuing growth and healing through supportive, therapeutic relationship. Kelly has experience working with anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, career direction, affair recovery, spiritual direction, OCD, sexuality, and marital issues. View 18 Photos Kelly believes that it is in context of a safe and secure environment that true change is possible. Her aim is to create that space through a lens of healthy attachment, reducing shame, and sound practices. She knows that each client needs personalized care, and it is her honor to walk alongside them as they move towards transformation and empowerment. “The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.” - Barbara Kingsolver
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