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Today is March 13, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cookeville, TN
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Cookeville, TN | (931) 536 1292

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As a Christian and a professional I endeavor to provide professional counseling within a Christian worldview. As a therapist I try to be a good listener as well as someone who helps to clarify and provide input. I have been trained in a variety of counseling approaches but find that having a caring attitude and listening ear is beneficial to my clients. I have a Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, which does not limit me to working only with couples and families, but helps me to be able to better assess how those around a person, their "system", impacts his/her situation and functioning. I have also received special training as a Christian Life Coach for people who are not suffering from significant issues, but would like to find significance as the person God designed them to be. Coming soon to will be more details about my practice as a Christian Life Coach.

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