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Today is March 28, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cordova, TN
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One of my greatest passions involves helping people through various transitions of life. I offer therapy in the area of Grief, Loss, Substance Use Disorders, Trauma, Behavioral Addictions, and Spiritual Direction. I believe our mental health is intricately connected to our emotional and spiritual well-being. There are times we find ourselves choosing unhealthy coping tools to redirect self-defeating, self-loathing, and self-sabotaging thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through a multi-disciplined approach I'll help you identify those negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and reconnect to the emotions you've grown numb to. View 9 Photos I specialize in Addictive Behaviors. This includes chemical (alcohol & drugs) and non-chemical (shopping, gambling, etc.) addictions. Addictive behavior surfaces to help redirect less-than-favorable thoughts, feelings and behaviors. I offer therapy that helps one identify and challenge those thoughts, feelings, and behaviors for a healthier response. The 2020 Pandemic triggered unresolved emotions from past events for many of us as we were forced to adapt to a new normal. Teletherapy took on a fresh meaning as people everywhere were afforded new opportunities to address old and new concerns. There has never been a better time to invest in your peace of mind and start the path towards healing.

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If you are like most of us, making the decision to seek out counseling may be a bit overwhelming, leaving you feeling anxious. This is okay and a little expected. Taking the step involves personal courage on your part and this step is the first step in making the changes you want in your life. Are you feeling overwhelmed or defeated by life? Is your emotional imbalance becoming a burden to your relationships, work life, or overall well-being? Are you ready to begin living your best life but unsure of where or how to get on track? If you are seeking wellness, then take the first step toward “weaving the threads of your tapestry." I specialize in providing compassionate and authentic counseling services in a nurturing, safe and collaborative environment. I can assist you with anxiety, depression, stress management, life transitions, and relationship difficulties. A counseling relationship gives you dedicated time to focus on you – your relationships, your family, yourself. My approach to therapy comes from a framework of using an integrated client-centered approach, solution-focused interventions, cognitive behavioral therapy and family systems. In keeping with best practices, I make use of my client’s faith/spirituality in the healing process and strive to create a collaborative relationship with them.

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I welcome anyone seeking to find a safe space to explore emotional, mental, and behavioral issues that are impacting their life. If you are unsure of your goals or what direction in life to take to get there, I can help you explore your current situation and the patterns your past has in influencing you today. You do not need a game plan - just a willingness to put your toe in the water and take a chance at finding a life worth living. I have worked more than 10 years with people experiencing a variety of issues including depression, anxiety, bipolar, trauma, OCD, substance use, and behavioral addictions. I have found everyone's story is unique and not one size fits all. I hope to create a safe space for you to be vulnerable to sharing the frailties of being human we all possess. I believe this will help you learn about yourself and gain tools and skills to live life more fully. My goal is to become someone you identify as a support and cheerleader who walks alongside you during what can be a scary yet worthwhile process.

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