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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Dickson, TN
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Is your life or relationship stuck? Are you ready to make a change? Is there a better version of yourself out there someplace that you left behind or maybe that you have never even met before? If you are ready to make a change or just ready to make sense of your story then lets work together! I use attachment-based experiential therapy for couples and individuals and am trained in Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT) and Internal Family Systems (IFS). A normal session is 50-55 min long and provides a safe space for you to unearth and better understand your story because everyone makes sense in the context of their story. I work with a variety of issues with my clients and consider it an honor to get to co-travel part of life’s journey with each and every one of you. I have never had a client that I did not have hope for and if there is one thing I could give to you as you read this it would be hope. Let’s work together. Let’s work with hope.
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