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Today is March 10, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Farragut, TN

location-map Farragut, TN | (865) 217 0949

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I just can’t deal with this sadness anymore! I am tired of never experiencing the joy others do. I have been to therapy and it didn't seem to help at all!. I specialize in helping people get the emotional peace they desperately want even if other methods have failed. Together we will work to bring about quick and substantial change in your life. Together we will help you find emotional peace. Yes, deciding to confront these overwhelming emotions can be scary, however, there is hope. We will overcome this together. I think coping is a dirty word. You may have been coping with negative emotions for many years. You've asked yourself, "Is this as good as it gets?" EMDR therapy, however, can help heal these negative and sometimes debilitating emotions. At this moment you may struggle to believe this, but healing is possible! Connecting with and having confidence in your therapist is an important part of the process. Call me for a free phone consultation to help you get a feel for the process and how we'll work together. Let's stop coping and start healing! For a free resource I have a podcast Mr. and Mrs. Therapy available wherever you listen.