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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Franklin, TN
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Franklin , TN | (931) 283 6346
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Therapy is vital to both healing and growing. Our healing and growth must involve challenging the parts of our brains that operate from places of pain. I understand the importance of having the opportunity to share experiences with those who can hold space for us. In my practice, I strive to create a comfortable, welcoming environment for all clients. I have experience working with depression, anxiety, grief, life transitions, trauma, faith transitions/religious trauma, body positivity, self-esteem, and boundary-setting. I enjoy working with teens, adults, and couples. Change is scary, and often, even the discomfort we’ve become used to is familiar enough to begin talking us out of making positive change. I’ve got a spot on my schedule just for you and I’m happy to help and answer any questions you may have.
Franklin , TN | (615) 502 4380
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My first goal in therapy is to build a secure and trusting relationship with you, creating a safe environment where you feel seen and heard. I use framework that supports individuals in all stages of life facing issues with relationship distress, grief and loss, depression or moodiness, trauma, anxiety, anger issues, self-defeating behaviors, or other life stressors. I tailor my approach to your needs. I can help you improve relationships and navigate significant life-transitions with peace, clarity, and purpose. I can help you to become more connected to what matters most, what you really want, and who you authentically are. I am a non judge-mental advocate for you and/or your family. Everyone deserves to have a safe calm sounding board to reach your fullest potential. Finding the right therapist can be difficult at times, and it's important to find someone you connect with and can trust. I'd love to help you navigate this process.
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