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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Gallatin, TN

location-map Gallatin, TN | (615) 570 4218

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Couples come to me to heal from challenges such as infidelity, poor communication with spouse, and loss of intimacy. They seek to regain closeness with their significant others and rebuild their families. Some clients seek tools to help manage feelings of anxiety and depression individually. With over 30+years of experience I want to be helpful for you, your marriage, and your family. The majority of people I serve include: Couples, Veterans, and individuals dealing with feelings of anxiety and depression. As a solution-focused therapist, my goal is to help you uncover your true potential and lead a life that is worth celebrating. While we can't change difficult situations of the past, we can work together to better understand and resolve challenges in your life. Some things in life are not meant for us to battle alone. Allow me to be helpful for you and your family. Call to schedule and intake or learn more about what we have to offer in our website.

location-map Gallatin, TN | (615) 645 2240

Accepting New Clients

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Serenity Counseling Center provides a safe, confidential opportunity for people to experience victory over life's difficulties by using counseling framework and an environment for counselors and counselors in training. Serenity Counseling Center was established in 2007. It's our purpose of Serenity to equip individuals, couples, and families with coping skills for life's issues that are consistent. Serenity Counseling Center is staffed by master's level practitioners from every discipline, including marriage and family, divorce mediation, life coaching substance abuse, and therapy. You can see intern if no insurance or low fee needs Counseling of all kinds. We do not have an ABA certified therapist for Autism. Tele-Counseling is now offered since 2018. We offer coaching (No insurance) of all kinds. Please call for our coaching services which can be virtual (anywhere in US). Business consulting and coaching. Intensive Marriage Coaching (in office or Virtual). Parenting Classes and Group We are here to build a support network for the community. Our believe is to strengthen the individual, the family and the community. We love people and are honored at what we do everyday. Please call to speak with someone if your needing to just process. We have interns (reduced fee) available and Licensed Counselors/Therapist. We accept some insurances..