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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Greeneville, TN
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Greeneville, TN | (423) 525 9235
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I am an ordained minister with a doctorate in spiritually integrated clinical psychotherapy. My counseling practice is based in Greeneville, Tennessee, but I currently operate exclusively via an online, virtual based model in which I meet with clients via webcam which allows me to meet with clients throughout Tennessee. I offer a free initial consultation with no obligation to continue therapy after the first session. Please visit to read more about me, my practice, and my fees, and to schedule your free consultation session. I work with people who are facing a wide variety of problems including, but not limited to interpersonal struggles (romance, family, work, etc), grief after loss, divorce and breakups, etc. I also have experience and training working with anxiety and depression, personality and mood disorders, addiction treatment, and anger management counseling. My philosophy of counseling is that people come to therapy seeking help in the midst of suffering, and guidance in the midst of troubling situations. I seek to be a source of wisdom, help, and guidance as people navigate their personal journey. I'd love to meet with you, find out what brings you to therapy, and help you as you face your specific situation.
Greeneville, TN | (423) 919 8962
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I am a proud Appalachian American, living in East Tennessee with my husband and our three boys. Twelve years ago, I began working with individuals of varying abilities and diverse diagnoses. Populations served range from children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to adults with dual diagnosis and adolescents healing from abuse and neglect to women in recovery from domestic violence and human trafficking. These eclectic experiences have further confirmed that therapy can help everyone. No matter the phase of life, we can all benefit from someone walking with us. I feel comfortable working with individuals of varying ages from children to adults. I am particularly passionate about working with couples to see relationships restored as well as working with families and individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. I served as missionary to some of the darkest places, such as prisons, brothels, and refugee centers. I saw the beauty of meeting people where they are, in their mess, and walking with them well. I feel called to see those who have felt unseen and remember those who have felt forgotten.
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