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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Memphis, TN
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Hello there! I'm thrilled that you're here, considering taking a meaningful step towards your journey of self-discovery and growth. If you find yourself yearning for more in life but haven't quite committed to investing in your well-being, you're in the right place. Do you ever sense untapped potential within you, yet grapple with challenges like anxiety, wavering motivation, or self-doubt? Imagine a life filled with renewed passion, not just for your relationships with others but also for your relationship with yourself and your spiritual connection. That's the transformative journey I'm eager to embark on with you. I effectively help people identify source of their reoccurring challenges and work alongside them as they learn to overcome these challenges. I specialize in helping individuals address core issues as opposed to only addressing the symptoms caused by the issues they are experiencing. I understand how challenging it can be to make the first step towards healing and becoming the best version of yourself. I am passionately dedicated to helping people grow and recognize their potential. I desire to work with a diverse group of individuals. I see it as privilege to walk alongside people in this journey called life.
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You're hanging on by a thread. You just can't seem to shake this hustle and bustle mindset, and the truth is that you're stretching yourself too thin yet again. Unfortunately, others still expect you to give 100% as usual, but you're mentally exhausted and physically drained. There's an optimistic desire to keep moving forward, but you're stuck in place- full of frustration, anger, and burnout. The worst part is that every time you feel like you are making headway anxiety and depression rear their ugly heads. You have tried all you can think of to find balance and peace, but it hasn't worked. You need help- now. Let's work jointly to alleviate your symptoms and find your footing. Together, we'll uncover the unconscious thought patterns and behaviors that are keeping you stuck, while identifying the changes needed in your routine to help build your resilience. With this customized approach, we'll restore balance to your life and beat these stressful circumstances. No more hanging on by a thread. Instead, let's develop a stronger connection between your mind and body, with boundaries and stress management tools. You deserve to live with clarity, self-awareness, and the ability to enjoy a peaceful and fulfilling life. Contact me today for a 15-minute complimentary consultation. I look forward to speaking with you!
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