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Today is March 28, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Morristown, TN
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Morristown, TN | (423) 800 5969

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From 0 Reviews
I understand that making the decision to enter therapy is not always easy. Some therapists take on the role of identifying what is "wrong" with a client or how the client needs to be "fixed." I view my role as your therapist as helping you identify and utilize the healthy coping skills you already have to resolve issues. The answers are there, and I appreciate that you are more familiar with the issues than anyone else. I will work with you to reveal the path and help you get the obstacles out of the way, including the many ways we can be our own worst enemy. If you are interested in using my services, please email me: at with your date of birth and also text a photo of your insurance card & photo ID to 423.307.8373. I will establish your account at, and then you can log into your secure patient portal to complete documents and select your appointment. Until further notice, I am only offering telehealth services. In order to access TeleHealth, please log into your patient portal. Thank you for your understanding and patience with this situation.

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