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Today is March 30, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cypress, TX
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Hello, my name is Patrice Stevens and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor with Cypress Counseling & Behavioral Center, named Best Therapy Services in CyFair!. I have been a Licensed Professional Counselor since 1990 with Clients in the state of Texas. I have worked with clients experiencing a broad range of issues and concerns including trauma, PTDS, attachment disorders, anxiety, anger, relationship issues, parenting skills, self-care, and many other psychological issues. My ability to establish a relationship connection with each Client almost immediately helps to begin the therapeutic process in the first session. View 8 Photos My role is to establish a "safe space” in each session to help Clients face their fears and embrace the radical acceptance of Self. My clients are ideally positioned to develop effective coping skills and facilitate the changes they want in their lives. Every session is about moving clients toward the goals through empathy and specific therapeutic skills. I will listen to your thoughts and feelings, clarify issues associated with those thoughts and feelings, and guide you through the process for healing your wounds and facilitating change. My goal is to help you and guide you.

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