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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Farmersville, TX

location-map Farmersville, TX | (469) 746 3398

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The world has changed. Life is different. Do you feel a pervasive sadness that just won't go away? Maybe you are feeling detached from the world, your life, and the ones you love. Are you constantly on edge or worried about not being good enough? I get it, I have dealt with depression and anxiety. Counseling can help you learn tools to help solve the problems you are experiencing. You ARE unique, resilient, and you have the strength to make changes and manage your life. Let's get you scheduled and we can figure it out. The journey begins with one step. You can do it. I have extensive training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT is based on the theory that unhelpful ways of thinking influence our feelings and our actions. This type of therapy focuses on changing thoughts and solving problems to find better ways of coping with struggles in our lives. I will work with you, challenge you, and guide you to unwrap your strengths and open your mind to new possibilities. I will strive to give you creative solutions and small homework assignments that will enable you to grow.