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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Frisco, TX

location-map Frisco, TX | (918) 558 2465

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Are you unmotivated, hopeless, depressed, anxious, stuck, disconnected? Have you experienced trauma or emotional distress through an experience that does not make sense? I provide effective therapy as a Certified EMDR Therapist, specializing in PTSD, Complex Trauma, and Brain Health Coaching. Working through trauma and distressful emotional accounts enhances performance, mental vitality and stability, relational attunement and connection, and increases effectiveness in areas of life, including personal, spiritual, social, and professional. Sign up for a free consultation at Services are virtual. Dr. Alina Garbuz, is an LPC in Texas (82206), Colorado (17947) and Oklahoma (5861); a Certified Trauma Professional (CCTP), Certified EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapist, a modality that focuses on healing traumatic life events, Amen Clinics Certified Brain Health Coach, Professional Coach, and Certified in Applied Neuroscience. Alina is a Ukrainian refugee who speaks Russian, Ukrainian, and conversational Spanish. She is passionate about issues in complex relational trauma from childhood abuse, sexual abuse, disaster trauma, performance/life enhancement and professional coaching.

location-map Frisco, TX | (214) 817 2089

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Chandler is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Texas and has worked as a mental health counselor in settings such as inpatient hospitals, community centers, foster care system, and private practice. Chandler specializes in Anxiety, Depression, Autism, ADD/ADHD, Trauma, Self Esteem, Stress, Gender & Identity issues, Grief, Loss, Life Transitions, Mood Disorders, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Self-Harm, Suicidal Ideation, Relationship Issues, and Foster Care Transitions. She specializes in working with kids, teens, and young adults. View 4 Photos Utilizing a variety of techniques, some of Chandler’s favorite are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), and Play Therapy in her treatment process. When working with clients, Chandler’s goal is to challenge negative thoughts and beliefs about oneself. As a welcoming and affirming person, Chandler encourages clients to make positive changes within their lives. In therapy, the goal is to make clients be the best they can for themselves. Chandler is trustworthy and open-minded, while holding her client accountable for their goals and therapeutic journey.

location-map Frisco, TX | (214) 919 5145

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Please don't suffer in silence any longer. I know it takes courage to make that first step. I have successfully worked with individuals, couples and families struggling with a variety of issues such as anxiety, panic, grief, loss, depression, family conflict, communication difficulties, teen issues and infidelity over the last 15+ years in different therapeutic settings. I look forward to walking along side you in your journey providing new perspectives, insight and tools to assist in the positive changes you are seeking. View 5 Photos In a safe and confidential atmosphere, we will work together discovering new ways to cope with the issues you are facing today. My personal style is relaxed, empathic, engaging and respectful. My intent is to assist you in feeling more capable and happier with your daily life and bring to light the strengths you are already equipped with. We can work together to achieve your most important goals.

location-map Frisco, TX | (972) 707 2154

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Licence Information:

39264 | Texas