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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Fulshear, TX

location-map Fulshear, TX | (832) 219 1521

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Hello! I'm glad you are taking action to seek help, and I am grateful that your search led you to this page. I specialize in helping young and middle-aged adults who struggle with anxiety, self-criticism, and/or difficulty setting boundaries. Together, we work on healing the wounds from past relationships and learning to genuinely love, accept, and assert themselves in the world. I offer evidence-based practical tools, combined with a gentle and honest approach, to help clients uncover and transform old coping patterns that no longer serve them, and to improve the relationship they have with themselves, and with others. My therapeutic style is compassionate, supportive, and nonjudgmental. I use a client-centered and eclectic approach, meaning that I respect and take into consideration my client's individual needs, values, and beliefs, and I draw from a variety of therapeutic approaches that best fit the situation. Please reach out to me directly, or visit my website. Hablo español, y ofrezco terapia en este idioma, solo déjeme saber su preferencia en nuestro primer encuentro.