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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Grapevine, TX
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Grapevine, TX | (682) 237 6160
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I have a burning desire to help individuals and families struggling with what often seems like impossible problems and a wavering faith. I know that people crave restoration through change and want to help them on this journey. I provide a safe environment to explore sensitive issues, founded on respect and caring for the client. My own personal journey of growth gives me a unique perspective that I use with each client. Although I welcomes clients with a range of needs, my special areas of interests include: addictions, depression, marital issues, grief & loss, anxiety, spiritual/ministry wounds, adoption issues, premarital counseling, PREPARE/ENRICH Certified, divorce recovery & blended family issues. I am able to see individuals, teens, and couples for various struggles. I have a B.S. in Biblical Studies and received my Masters degree in Professional Counseling. My personal interests include movies, scuba diving, sci-fi, hunting, walks, and traveling for adventure.
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