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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Gunter, TX

location-map Gunter, TX | (430) 224 0313

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It's all too much. The never-ending responsibility to care for others at work and meeting your loved one's needs at home is a heavy weight to bear. As a high achiever, you've always been able to take on life's demands. But lately, you're trying to do it all while feeling completely overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with self-doubt, anxiety, and sometimes even feeling debilitated/frozen. At the end of the day, you're disappointed in yourself for being short with others, going through the motions with no real joy, and realizing that none of your own needs were met. You're mentally exhausted, frustrated, & need help getting off this carousel. Let me help. Together we'll get your mind, heart, and nervous system in alignment. As we reduce your level of stress and disappointment, you'll find your anxiety & daily suffering ease as well. Finally learning to be comfortable in your own skin allows you to create a life filled with genuine joy opposed a never ending to-do list & unrealistic expectations. It's time to break the cycle of burnout and overwhelm. To love yourself & show up for the people who rely on you. Call today to schedule a 15 minute free consultation. You'll learn how we can design a program together tailored to your own needs & goals. Let's erase those maladaptive behaviors that no longer serve you and bring back the joy in daily living.