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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Irving, TX
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WE OFFER PHONE AND VIDEO SESSIONS. Able to offer ADHD and personality testing. Sometimes the hardest step is the first one, and part of my goal is to ensure that you feel safe in the therapeutic relationship. Without that feeling of trust, it can be hard to gain ground on the changes you want to see. My clients would describe me as tough and goal driven - I strive to ensure we are working on your goals both in and out of the session (my clients may also describe the homework I send their way). Our offices also provide ADHD, Personality (Diagnosis) and Autism testing. I specialize in treating PTSD, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, trauma and addiction. My work with Team Rubicon, training and clientele have led me to a passion for working with military, first responders, police, fire and other helping professions. I am also well trained in working with children and adolescents, couples and a myriad of mood disorders. My strategies adapt to the person, but I work extensively with EMDR, DBT and CBT skills. I will work with you to set realistic expectations based on your needs. I also understand the growing need for telehealth. I look forward to meeting you - there is also a goldendoodle service dog named Indy, who is equally excited to assist you on your unique journey.
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