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Today is March 13, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Kerrville, TX
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Kerrville, TX | (830) 319 3020

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You seek quality professional counseling to heal wounds, to enhance your well-being in emotional, mental, social or behavioral difficulties and life changes, or help when life becomes unmanageable. The key factor is the therapeutic relationship that you and I develop as we work together in a warm and safe "place" where your words and challenges are held sacred and confidential. Besides my counselor training, I have completed all doctoral coursework and doctoral internships in Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy at St. Mary's University, San Antonio. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor - Supervisor. I bring to my counseling a rich and varied life experience drawn from living in different countries and cultures. If you and I are compatible, we embark on your journey of discovery and growth. My job is to accompany you as you set your goals and work towards them. Each journey is different and exciting; a blessing and a privilege. Thank you!

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