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Today is March 28, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Leander, TX

location-map Leander, TX | (713) 588 0018

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OH, LIFE. It can be an inspiring, painful, delightful, and confusing adventure. With the many challenges and unknowns that we face along the way, why navigate it alone? Therapy is a supportive, non-judgmental secure space. It is best for identifying and breaking through irrational thought patterns, unresolved emotions, anxiety, depression, family of origin issues, life transitions, and trauma. Whatever your concern, your therapist will listen and attune to you in a compassionate way, offering gentle guidance through a unique fusion of traditional psychotherapy approaches, and integrative healing modalities. An inclusive therapy practice for healing, growth, and transformation—I specialize in the treatment of complex trauma and anxiety related disorders, including PTSD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder and Disordered Eating. I fuse the best techniques of psychotherapy with holistic integrative approaches to assist you. Pursuing healing is a courageous step. I’m here to help you foster awareness of your innate ability to access what you need to discover and recover your wholeness. I provide mindful guidance through life challenges with integrative practices that allow you to lean into the strength you already have. Services are available in Texas, Arizona, and Louisiana.