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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Longview, TX
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Broken. Depressed. Desperate. Afraid. Falling apart. That's how many of us describe ourselves and/or our relationships. We assume or convince ourselves that there is no alternative and should get used to it, or get over it. But how? As you well know, it is not that simple. Counseling and therapy is about the courage to be vulnerable, and learning to walk through the brokenness of our lives with hope. Whether your struggle is with depression, grief, anxiety, marital conflict, infidelity, trauma, parenting, or something else, there is hope. I have 12+ years of Christian counseling experience. As a licensed professional, I have worked with couples & individuals dealing with marital conflict, infidelity, depression, anxiety, abusive relationships, porn addiction, among other issues. I also have extensive experience working with children & adolescents. I'm also certified in EMDR therapy. There is not shame in seeking out help. Whether you call me or someone else, remember that there is HOPE!
79900 | Texas
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