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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Richmond, TX
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You're seeking help for your child or teen. You're exhausted, frustrated and overwhelmed. Your child just isn't themselves. They are more isolated and withdrawn. Spending more time in their room, on social media and angry all the time. You don't recognize them anymore. You feel them pulling away. As a parent you're not sure how to reach them. You aren't alone and you aren't a bad parent. You just need some new ways to connect with your child. I work with children and teens (as well as adults) with a history of anxiety, trauma, and chronic illness. We will work together to help you rebuild communication and reconnect with your child. Whether you are reaching out in crisis or just want some new tools, I am here to support you. I am a parent myself and I know that parenting is hard work. We will work collaboratively to help you rediscover the relationship you once had with your child and find healing for your family.
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