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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bluffdale, UT

location-map Bluffdale, UT | (385) 316 6118

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Psychological Testing: As an expert examiner, I am often able to offer a one-stop appointment including the intake and testing all in one appointment, My staff and I understand the assessment process may be confusing. We are here to help you through the process, including coordinating insurance benefits, scheduling, familiarizing you with the process of the assessment and delivering a timely report to help best meet your needs. Give us a call a call so that we can discuss your unique situation. View 7 Photos Adult diagnostic, Bariatric evaluations, pre-surgical spinal implant evaluations, pre-adoption, surrogacy, fertility evaluations, work-related fitness for duty evaluations, disability evaluations, military eval. Telehealth services offered in:AL, AZ, AR, CO, CN, DE, DC, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MD, MN, MO, NE, NV, NH, NJ. NC, OH, OK, PA, TN, TX, UT Let me walk with you through this process, simplifying everything. I can help you understand different types of testing, the amount of time needed, and the timeframe to have everything completed. I provide a detailed report sparking possibilities and understanding!

location-map Bluffdale, UT | (801) 609 4552

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I specialize in working within your values with female teens, (age 15 and older), and adult women through art or traditional talk therapy. In therapy we figure out what is causing worry, doubt, or fear and help you move forward with faith to find peace and resolution. I use cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, other other modalities, but mostly focus on your strengths to help you reach your goals. View 9 Photos Being certified in art therapy, and being a professional artist, we can use drawing, jewelry making, ceramics, sculpting, pastels, watercolors, acrylics, and sand to express emotions and resolves issues in a fun and creative way. No experience necessary and all supplies included. You even get your own art kit! I limit my client load to 12 clients per week, so YOU may get quality care and be available for more tailored therapy.