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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Clinton, UT

location-map Clinton, UT | (385) 406 2835

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Every morning you feel "I can’t get out of bed”. It seems like too much right now. you peel yourself out of bed anyway, because you know you have to get going. You have to do all the “things” to make the world function for the humans in your life, but some days it feels like too much. You think this shouldn’t be this hard. I should know what to do and yet you still don’t make any change. You turn on the podcasts, and the audiobooks, but no matter how many you listen to you just cannot get yourself to make lasting change. If you could just talk this out maybe it would have to feel so alone. I specialize in helping people with the belief they are not enough, I use CBT, EMDR, and DBT to treat those who feel intense deep emotions of overwhelm, feelings of inadequacy, and teach them to let go of the negative beliefs and embrace their true selves while learning effective strategies to cope and create a life worth living. If this speaks to you I can help! my unique skill set & authentic therapy approach provides the perfect recipe to help you through the self-doubt & negative thoughts you have faced your whole life & get you to a new place with skills to manage your thoughts & feelings, healing from your internal dialogue & new practice of love & self-acceptance for yourself.