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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Highland, UT

location-map Highland, UT | (385) 247 8287

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Healing from trauma is not easy. I don't believe sugarcoating how difficult this process may be, is beneficial to anyone. But you don't have to go through it alone. I have been working with survivors of trauma for the last 6 years. I've specialized in working with survivors of sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, intimate partner violence and abuse. I know picking the right therapist for this process may be difficult, so I encourage having a free phone consultation with me, to see if it feels like a good fit! I'm excited that you've begun this process of healing, and look forward to playing a role in your healing journey. I have seen how traumatic experiences such as these can hold a lifelong impact on an individual, relationships, and futures. My goal is to reconnect your mind, body, and spirit to facilitate a full healing experience. By utilizing animals, mindfulness, movement, art, and music throughout your healing process - with EMDR, CBT, ACT, and parts/inner child work. Each client has individual needs and goals. So let's create a customized treatment plan with your goals, to review often, and ensure we are meeting your desired healing and growth. I look forward to supporting you in getting your power, control, and your life back from these horrific experiences you've had to experience. You deserve that healing!