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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ivins, UT

location-map Ivins, UT | (435) 266 4396

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Are you feeling disconnect from others or yourself? Do you feel anxiety, shame, depression related to feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness? Do you feel guilty or overly responsible for people in your life and their happiness? Are you overly hard on yourself or others with perfectionist tendencies? Does this impact your parenting, marriage, or your relationships? I can help you change these problem patterns and live with greater compassion and more joyful connections to yourself and significant others. It's not always easy, but building self-compassionate and strong compassionate relationships with those close to you is possible! In person sessions available in St. George, UT. However, with telehealth I can provide therapy for multiple people who are in different locations throughout TX & UT. Also, telehealth often works better with busy schedules. I'm here to help and it's easy to get started! Please visit for more information. For 12 years, I've helped couples find joy and connection in their marriages, families increase closeness, and individuals to live with greater self-compassion and fulfillment. I work from a place of client empowerment with a continual growth mindset. I have seen amazing changes happen in people's lives. NOTE: I also provide supervision for MFTs in TX & UT.