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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Riverdale, UT

location-map Riverdale, UT | (801) 769 9424

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Like others, maintaining my own positive mental health is work. This can often mean letting myself feel something and letting it go, or identifying the underlying issue and giving it validation. I believe as an adult, if I don't like something I have the power to change it, whether it is my perspective or behavior. I feel that encouraging that same power for change in my clients can help propel them in a direction towards their genuine selves. Having the peace within ourselves means the opportunity for peace to exist around us. I specialize in polyamory, open relationships, marital issues, empowerment, faith transitions, anxiety, depression, and trauma. I enjoy working with couples, families, and adult individuals. I believe that our lives tell a story. I believe therapy encourages people to be the author of their own lives finding meaning, making healthy choices, and navigating success in their lives. We may not be able to erase what has already been written, but we can learn to make our struggles our strengths while taking control of our present and future.