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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Taylorsville, UT

location-map Taylorsville, UT | (801) 980 3692

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

If you have found this page, you might be struggling with emotions that are too big, or complex for you to take on alone. These issues have a way of showing up in our day-to-day lives such as avoidance, self-sabotaging behaviors, anxiety, low self-esteem, unsatisfactory relationships and so on. Ready for a change? Therapy is a wonderful place to start. Therapy is useful for anyone facing obstacles that prevent them from living the life they want and provides an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. I am a fully licensed professional who has spent the last 7 years working with those struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD, abuse, life transitions, grief & loss, relationship issues, and emotional instability, to name a few. I utilize a wide range of modalities including EMDR, cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. I love the work that I do and go above and beyond to make my clients feel safe, heard, and supported.

location-map Taylorsville, UT | (801) 516 3184

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

There are times when navigating your relational and mental health journeys, that you need someone to walk by your side with openness, non-judgement and understanding. I support you in making sense of life's complexity and messiness that can often feel overwhelming. I approach therapy with a creative, client-led, holistic approach where your stories and experiences will be honored and believed. I aim to see you, to hear you and to honor the tenderness of yourself. I am a Certified Social Worker and work with adults and couples who've experienced trauma. My clinical expertise is working within the fields of sexual health, faith transitions, maternal mental health and relational health. I work with mixed orientation couples and practice with sex-positive, queer-affirming lens. I currently offer some weekend and evening sessions to better meet your needs.