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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Tooele, UT
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Now accepting new clients. Juniper Family Counseling provides specialized counseling for individuals, couples, and families. Knowing that each situation is unique, counseling is tailored to your specific needs. Juniper Family Counseling's Vision: To facilitate growth, hope, and healing for individuals, and families. Mission: Provide the highest quality of care by promoting healthy communities and strong families while cultivating strengths and uniqueness. Juniper Family Counseling provides a safe and welcoming place where a trained professional helps you recover motivation, perspective, and joy that you once had in your life. With years of training and experience, Juniper Family Counseling will provide the right treatment that will be helpful and effective. I look forward to working with you and/or your family. Appointment times are Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.. I strive to schedule appointments as soon as possible, and I am able to get appointments scheduled within a week. Call for an appointment today.
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Hi folks- my name is Michelle Main. I have worked in the human service field for over 20 years with the last several as a CMHC. I have 10 years experience with DCFS which gave me a strong background in working with children and trauma. I have several years experience with addiction and relapse prevention as well as domestic violence, grief, depression and anxiety. I use a integrative approach to counseling. I enjoy working with adults, children, adolescents couples and individuals. I am a strong believer in having hope as a strong base for any therapeutic relationship. I specialize with trauma and have an TF- CBT endorsement. I have worked extensively with children and families in crisis situations. I run an alcohol and drug relapse prevention programs with private and court ordered folks. Thankfully I have a wide experience base with culturally diverse populations and bring that experience to my practice. I ran a Domestic Violence shelter for many years and can do DV assessments for private/court ordered services as well as drug and alcohol assessments for both private/court ordered folks.
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