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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ashland, VA

location-map Ashland, VA | (804) 704 8606

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Life tends to throw us curve balls. With all of our energy spent juggling obligations, responsibilities, and managing daily stresses, it's easy to wake up one day and realize that you just feel "stuck." Making the decision to begin therapy can be difficult, but it's the first step towards regaining control of your life. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed, experiencing relationship difficulties, or just want a different perspective on whatever is holding you back, I'm here to help you navigate and overcome these challenges. Every person's situation is unique. I do not treat the therapeutic process as "one-size-fits all." While my theraputic approach is grounded in psychodynamic theory, I utilize CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, expressive art, and play therapy techniques. I work with children, adolescents, and adults experiencing a variety concerns, involving mood disorders, ADHD and behavioral issues, sexuality and gender exploration, identity development, family of origin issues, interpersonal conflicts, and unresolved trauma. I believe that the most important aspect of a successful therapy experience is a strong, authentic relationship with your therapist, which is why I emphasize developing trust and respect in order to create a comfortable, supportive space for you to work towards personal growth and a happier, more satisfying life.