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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bridgewater, VA

location-map Bridgewater, VA | (540) 235 5497

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I work with a diverse range of people who are seeking healing or relief from emotional pain. My favorite part of this process is working with art and dreams to uncover hidden issues and blocks, to begin again to lead a full and happy life. A part of the work is uncovering the shadow and connecting the conscious with the unconscious, where not just difficult parts hide, but gifts and creativity. In a typical work week I talk with people dealing with mood disorder, depression, anxiety, feeling stuck, grief, trauma, and interpersonal issues. View 5 Photos My preferred modality is psychoanalytic, working with art therapy, dreams and the Mandala Assessment Research Instrument. I have developed a dream leaflet to interpret the wisdom of dreams through art and journaling. As your guide, I can lead you safely through your inner spiritual work. I will help you focus on what action you need to take. With me as your guide, as you engage with your inner leanings, you will find that you are coming upon that in your self that is striving toward wholeness, that in yourself that is uniquely original and your own reason for being. In my sessions, my commitment is to being radically honest and present.