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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Centreville, VA

location-map Centreville, VA | (571) 620 6437

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In my private practice, I offer individual, couple, and group therapy. For the past 20 years, I have helped individuals and their families navigate through varying degrees of challenging situations. Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Family Systems Therapy techniques such as Psycho-Education Model, solution focused therapy, family systems therapy, and strategic family therapy, I explore solutions and options with clients and their families. I am committed to creating a therapeutic environment for my clients. I believe therapy can be a life changing experience through a collaborative effort between a clinician and a client. I make efforts to create a trusting and therapeutic relationship with my clients, as well as to advocate for my clients.

location-map Centreville, VA | (571) 200 6943

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Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or exhausted? Maybe you’re feeling confused, lost or stuck along the path of life? Have these emotions or the stressors of life overwhelmed your ability to cope? My approach is focused on you and your needs. I will support you to engage your strengths and self-compassion right NOW to reach your goals you identify and overcome challenges that you are facing. We will explore how you can thrive in the present, and grow your potential. Most of us are focused on getting rid of painful thoughts & feelings. What if you were able to notice the emotion is there, then commit to doing what helps you feel hopeful, calm, energized about life? Behavioral therapy can support you to do just that and with practice those painful emotions and experiences will take up less of your time and space. Has it all become too much? Have you been trying to seem confident while inside it feels like you're crumbling apart? Maybe you're so overwhelmed you're wanting to scream, sob, or you've developed a case of "f&!$ it all"? Perhaps the need to escape reality is all you can think about? You are not alone. I'm here to help. Contact me today!