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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Culpeper, VA

location-map Culpeper, VA | (540) 212 6176

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We believe it takes small steps to work towards improving your quality of life. We specialize in working with children, adolescents, teens, adults, and families. We are an advocate for family counseling and often find this essential when completing goals towards a positive mental health. We believe counseling is short-term where your family relationships are forever. We offer traditional talk therapy services and animal assisted counseling services. Most of our participants enjoy integrating the horses into counseling sessions while others prefer the comfort of our office on site. We have diverse staff at our location so you can have the option of finding the right provider that understands the needs of you and your family. You have options of integrating faith based services or scheduling with our certified trauma professional. Either staff member has the qualifications to integrate their training during animal assisted sessions. I encourage you to find the right counselor that can best support you and your family. This is a sensitive process where you have to feel safe and build a professional relationship with your counselor. I encourage you to reach out and stretch past any hesitation that may come up with having to seek the improvement of your mental health.