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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Danville, VA
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Navigating the world right now can be extremely challenging especially if you are a woman. Are you the "dependable" friend or family member that is "always there"? Do you have difficulty saying no due to feelings of guilt or fear of acceptance? Have you worked your entire life to do everything just right and now you’re finding difficulty achieving happiness and fulfillment due to excessive worrying and preoccupation with perfectionism? Would you describe yourself as someone who goes after their goals and beats the odds despite life's curved balls? If any of this sounds familiar, then you’ve stumbled on the right profile. View 5 Photos I help women become empowered through healing, self-discovery, and setting boundaries (which is my personal favorite). A lot of us have been taught how to be “a good friend, a good sister, a good partner”, but we have not learned how to be a person who is well and can fully invest in caring for themselves. I want to help you learn how to prioritize yourself. Life is hard and changing your life can be even harder, especially if you don't even know where to begin. My goal is to provide a safe and comfortable space for you to be your best self. I believe in a client-centered approach which means that you are the only expert of your life. I am now accepting new clients and I can't wait for us to meet!
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