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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lorton, VA

location-map Lorton, VA | (703) 552 9617

Accepting New Clients

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Relationships are the foundation of our identity. Our relational experiences shape our identity, worldview, choices, patterns of interaction, and purpose in life. They let us know what is loveable about us, what needs we can expect to be met, which emotions are acceptable, and what kind of security may or may not be available to us. I work with individuals, couples, families (age 2-18) and parents, helping them understand their experiences of connection and any patterns, protections, wounds, vulnerabilities, adaptations, or indirect strategies for getting their needs met that may have emerged. I look forward to being alongside you. In my work with couples, I focus on strengthening trust, connection, and communication between partners. Where one of you pursues for connection, resolution, and validation and the other withdraws to dial down the tension, avoid conflict, and reduce the emotional intensity, I can help you to slow this dance down, reach for each other, and repair old wounds. I work with families to get to the root of their struggles. Together, we slow your interactions down so everyone can better understand what need is trying to be expressed, what has been missed, and how to meet the need directly so that problematic behaviors are no longer needed. My goal is to help you build a toolbox you can use longer after therapy ends.

location-map Lorton, VA | (571) 253 7164

Accepting New Clients

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Accepting new clients - The Center for Connection, Healing & Change focuses on the creation of secure, close, and satisfying relationships- within us and between us. We choose to specialize in relationships because we know the importance of satisfying connections for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Services explore the relationship we have with both ourselves and others; how well we can live with emotional ease, know who we are, ask for what we need, be responsive to loved ones, set boundaries, deal with loss, move through stressful experiences, find our purpose, and access resilience in moments of need. We value holistic connection and healing (emotional, relational, physical, mental, spiritual) and intentionally treat the whole person, couple, or family. We offer individual therapy, couples therapy, premarital therapy, sex therapy, child/teen & family therapy, parenting therapy, Parent-Child Interaction therapy, trauma therapy, EMDR, and group therapy. We cherish the uniqueness of each client(s). Our Intake Coordinator can discuss your needs and match you with a therapist who is skilled at working with your particular circumstances. Currently accepting clients for day and evening appts, new appts available within 10 days. To schedule a consultation go to