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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Middleburg, VA

location-map Middleburg, VA | (540) 426 3337

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Exploring therapy is not an easy decision; therefore it is our mission to make therapy as open, comfortable, and effective as possible for each client. The first goal for each individual entering my practice is to establish an environment of comfort and safety. For those interested, therapy animals are available to provide additional support throughout the experience. Each person who enters my practice is embraced as an individual, and the therapeutic experience is tailored specifically to best meet each person's needs. View 6 Photos I specialize in trauma processing through EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) with an emphasis on helping clients understand their own physiology and how it impacts them emotionally and cognitively. This is just one of many tools, however; I collaborate with each of my clients to help them heal in a manner that suits them best. Whether you are coping with complex trauma from childhood experiences, recent event traumas, or change-of-life stressors such as divorce or loss, I will meet you with compassion, empathy, and most importantly, will establish a collaborative environment to empower you to reclaim your life. Please reach out to me with questions, I would love to hear from you!