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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Midlothian, VA
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Midlothian, VA | (804) 589 4796
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I find the greatest satisfaction in supporting children, adolescents, adults, and families in processing their experiences and learning how to better navigate their world. I value the importance of individualizing care, prioritizing communication, and establishing positive, working relationships. My clinical experience includes work in residential crisis, school-based day treatment, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, community-based services, and outpatient counseling. I have spent the past 8 years working with children, adolescents, adults, and their families in both education and mental health settings. I have a strong interest in wellness and take a holistic approach to therapy. I enjoy incorporating creative methods to help make the counseling environment fit with each individual and their needs, including utilizing art therapy activities, mindfulness practices, and narrative therapy in my work.
Midlothian, VA | (804) 552 6187
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We're confident we can help you achieve your therapy goals. Because we believe you're best served by a therapist who's passionate about not only their work, but who they work with as well. That's why we started Lifebulb - We're committed to helping therapists to get back to enjoying their work, so you, our client, can receive the highest quality therapy services, whether in person at one of our locations or online through telehealth. We hire only highly trained and educated, licensed clinicians dedicated to the therapy process. Working with us, you'll get results. We believe getting access to therapy should be quick and easy. So our process is simple. Just visit our website to schedule a virtual or in-person session online. Or call us, and a team member can match you with the best counselor for you. Whether online or offline therapy, we’ll help you with an individualized treatment plan for your specific goals. We believe in creating a world where your every interaction with another leaves you both a bit brighter. Call us today to get started. We'll find the best therapist for you and your unique goals!
Midlothian, VA | (804) 409 0183
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At times, life can throw us major curveballs, and these struggles, no matter the size, can leave us feeling a whirlwind of emotions. Sharing these burdens can help alleviate some of the weight, making it possible to see other views and change for the better. With whatever difficulty you are currently facing, my aim is to provide a supportive, nonjudgmental, and safe space in order to help you gain insight, problem-solve, and make positive steps toward change. I hope to help you feel empowered over your difficulties so that you can achieve an improved quality of life. I have experience in treating anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and trauma, and have a special interest in stress management, relaxation, and emotional regulation. My approach to therapy is collaborative and integrative. I use evidence-based treatments while also taking into account your individual needs, as well as your own strengths and resilience. My services are telehealth using a secured and HIPAA-compliant video platform. This along with my state license affords me the opportunity to work with anyone in Virginia. For more information please visit my website (direct link is also located on the left side of this page).
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