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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Purcellville, VA

location-map Purcellville, VA | (540) 565 5799

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Welcome! My name is Melissa. I have been described as "calm, gentle, soft-spoken, serene, an excellent listener, non-judgmental, open, kind, thoughtful, accepting, welcoming and heartfelt." Together, we can create a safe space for you to set down your burdens, invite your emotions for a cup of tea and conversation, and begin exploring all of the possibilities and potential that life has to offer you. "I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” - The poet Hafez of Persia I specialize in the treatment of trauma and PTSD, early childhood trauma, issues related to abuse and neglect, domestic violence, women's issues, and parent coaching. I am also a board approved supervisor currently accepting new residents for off-site supervision. I utilize a creative and flexible approach to therapy tailored to meet your needs. I may use EMDR techniques, sand play therapy, quotes, stories and folklore, reading suggestions, guided meditations and more to help you explore your unique Self. If you feel as if I could be a good fit for you, please feel free to reach out to schedule a session.