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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sandston, VA

location-map Sandston, VA | (804) 781 9111

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Have you been feeling stuck, alone, misunderstood; confused, overwhelmed, tired, anxious and/or depressed? Therapy helps because it is like unraveling layers of a yarn ball. As you unravel the yarn ball, sometimes it’s a smooth process and sometimes it gets tangled up and you just feel stuck. Therapy helps make the hard stuff easier to identify and process the experiences, choices and patterns that make you feel stuck. I’m Brittany, a Licensed Resident in counseling who specializes in helping adults and teenagers pinpoint and work through their feelings, thoughts and behaviors to improve their mental health through various creative treatment approaches. I am accepting new clients. Contact me today to unlock the door to begin your journey to healing and freedom.

location-map Sandston, VA | (804) 463 5154

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

At times we find ourselves buried and burdened in responsibility, regret, relationships, grief or oppression. Therapy is an under sought treatment of pain that cannot always be seen. Therapy is a tool for unearthing the resiliency inside of us to aid in healing. Therapy is not the easy road. It takes courage to seek help in this way and I congratulate you for taking this step. I utilize an eclectic approach to therapy to guide you through your personal path to discovering your best self. I offer telehealth therapy to ensure safety for ourselves and our families.