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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Waynesboro, VA
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Waynesboro, VA | (540) 277 9381
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You are really struggling with those places of deep woundedness within your soul and/or your relationship with your spouse/partner. Because of this, although you have immense value as a human being you may currently be in a place of doubting this to be true. You’re not alone in this experience but it is such a lonely place to be. I provide a compassionate ear & introduce tools that bring change & overdue healing to couples, individuals and families. I am accepting new telehealth clients who want to take a next step toward healing the wounded places within themselves & their relationships. If you’re ready to take the next step toward transforming yourself and/or your relationship, let’s connect. Contact me to set up a free 10 minute online consultation designed to give you an opportunity to ask me questions and see if you think I’d be a good therapeutic fit for you. Visit my website for more info:
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Life can be overwhelming and emotional when children and adolescents are struggling with mental health concerns and challenges. Trauma leaves feelings of anxiety, depression, worthlessness that can make everyday interactions a struggle. Individuals need to feel safe, secure, feel valued and have a sense of belonging to fully participate in their lives. Treatment options should focus on their developmental stage, strengths and values. Building self-esteem, confidence and self image is the first step to healing. I utilize strength based approach and child-centered focus to build rapport and trust, meeting clients where they are in their journey. Utilizing Cognitive-Behavioral, Trauma Focused, Attachment Based, Expressive Arts, Sand Tray and Play Therapy. Assisting clients to learn to trust others and to feel safe is essential to healing and living a fulfilling life. It is heart wrenching your child struggle mentally and emotionally. We feel powerless, helpless, overwhelmed and hopeless. The intensity and stress of situations can make finding a solution difficult. Everyday activities are challenging, become chaotic, stressful. I provide a safe, loving and nurturing space for healing and recovery.
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