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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Berlin, VT

location-map Berlin, VT | (541) 406 3343

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Perhaps you are going through a rough patch and could use support and guidance, or perhaps you’ve struggled for many years and would like to see things differently, live things differently and are ready to “do therapy.” You are not broken. We each of us are inherently whole and in response to internalized messages and expected roles, or difficult situations and difficult histories, ill health, extreme stressors or trauma, our lives can feel broken. My passion is to help you feel more connected to yourself and the people you love and the world around you. View 6 Photos My warm and compassionate approach is focused on you as the expert of your own life, experience, and story. I draw upon collaborative, evidence-based therapy practices to help you find balance and meaning, help you to identify and build on your strengths, while providing the support needed to get you there. Whatever you choose to work on together, I'd be honored to walk alongside you in your journey. I have worked 15 years in social services, and been a service user myself, so I understand the difficulty of navigating systems of care. I also know the healing power of therapy. If any of this hits right, reach out. Let’s see if we might work together. ​ - Amy