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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Danville, VT

location-map Danville, VT | (802) 967 6259

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Have you experienced the death of one or more beloveds in the past 5 years? Maybe you have experienced a feeling of being stuck, as if you want to move forward but something is holding you back. Have you reached a point in your life where the old patterns and remedies no longer serve you? Are you challenged to find peace internally as well as externally? Sometimes all we need is a listening ear. And sometimes it can be helpful to find techniques for deeper exploration of our losses, whatever they may be. I offer a safe and sacred space for speaking thoughts and feelings. In addition to dialogue, I have found that various types of drums are effective channels for grounding our grief and other emotions. We might explore journaling and sitting meditation for internal reflection and processing, and the labyrinth for moving meditation. Grief affects all of us at one time or another and can be relentless if we try to ignore it. Grief speaks the language of the heart, not the head, and is not something we can rationalize away. Often, our search for reconciliation with our losses leads us to a deeper connection with our spiritual selves.