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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Guilford, VT

location-map Guilford, VT | (703) 260 9596

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I offer concrete, effective strategies to parents, children, & adolescents to address a wide range of emotional, behavioral, and developmental concerns. My clients leave every session with a specific plan for exactly what to do to build skills or reduce problem behaviors, and improvement is usually quick to see. Children who benefit from my services exhibit a very broad range of challenges, including ADHD-related impulsivity and hyperactivity, aggression, oppositionality, "attitude", anxiety, ASD-related social skills deficits and challenges, enuresis, encopresis, and sleeping issues - just to name a few. My approach is very behavioral, which means that sessions are focused on solutions. With a doctorate in clinical psychology, 15+ years experience as a school psychologist, and training as a behavior analyst, I have the expertise to maximize efficient use of your time and money to find solutions for your child or adolescent. When appropriate, I will teach your child the skills that he or she needs to replace old problem-behaviors and manage difficult emotions. I can also show you, as the parent, how to use positive reinforcement strategies to support those skills in your child. Application of these strategies usually results in lasting behavior change for a happy family life.