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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Morrisville, VT

location-map Morrisville, VT | (802) 851 5167

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Greetings! My approach is client- centered; I work to build a positive, trusting relationship that focuses on your concerns and goals. I believe that our positive and negative thoughts often control or motivate our behaviors and feelings. if we can learn to question and change our negative thoughts, we can then start to shift our feelings and behaviors towards more positive outcomes. I have spent most of my career working with clients who have experienced trauma, sexual abuse, anxiety, and depression. My practice is open to teenagers, adults, and Vermont- based couples. I offer evening and weekend hours to help accommodate busy schedules, and a free consultation. While life can be very difficult, I believe that we all have the ability to learn and change and meet our goals. I look forward to working with you and joining you on your path.