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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Putney, VT

location-map Putney, VT | (802) 328 9462

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Adoptees are often a silent population due to challenges surrounding the issue of trust. Needs for this population may include difficulties connecting with others, difficulty with self esteem & making decisions to appease others rather than for themselves. Goals are often directly linked to these issues. How do I know? I have both lived experiences as a former foster child & adoptee who then used those experiences to launch me into the field of psychotherapy where I accrued over 20 years of experience. Learning to trust & knowing who we are as adoptees is an important part of the healing work we will do together. I offer individual, family & couples Adoptee Counseling sessions to adoptees & their adoptive families who are ready to begin addressing the needs which often accompany the role of being an adoptee. Acceptance, connection & trust are some of the issues which we can explore together in our online confidential sessions. I understand how challenging it can be for adoptees to reach out to others as a result of trust issues & the ability to acknowledge their own emotional needs. If you're an adoptee or an adoptive family member, are over the age of 16 and ready to begin this important work of self care & self identity, I'm here to walk along side you on your journey.

location-map Putney, VT

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Quirky, queer, sensitive, creative and neurodivergent people often wonder why daily living and achieving “success” appears so much easier for others. You may struggle with; focus and organization, intense emotions, burnout, developing rewarding relationships, meeting goals, or a demoralized self-image You are not alone my friend! In fact 1 in 6 people are neurodivergent and we really do learn and think differently and need a different approach to therapy. Clients come to me when they are interested in working with their brains and not against them. My approach is playful, pragmatic and immediately helpful. As a neurodiversity paradigm allied and credentialed clinician I specialize in helping quirky and highly sensitive adults find their unique career and lifestyle niche, including pursuing advanced degrees. To learn more about me and my practice please check out my professional website. Please note that I do not take insurance at this time. I offer HIPPA compliant teletherapy counseling and coaching services as a registered psychotherapist in Vermont and a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in North Carolina. Upon request I can provide parent, family and school consultation services worldwide. Please email me to setup a consultation.