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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Worcester, VT

location-map Worcester, VT | (323) 498 2401

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As a practitioner of Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT), I specialize in helping people heal from trauma, depression, and anxiety. I assist clients in a process of deep self-discovery using ETT, psychotherapy, and movement. ETT can help clients to heal more effectively from long-standing and painful patterns than traditional talk therapies alone. I treat a wide variety of conditions that prevent people from living an optimum life. My ideal client is committed to change, may have been in prior therapy that has not yet shifted fundamental maladaptive patterns, and open to new ways of thinking and feeling about themselves. ETT utilizes RGB light and the entire color spectrum to heal states of deep emotional distress. ETT and the Resilience Toolkit can provide immediate and lasting relief from distress. ETT gives the client the opportunity to develop new ways of processing emotions and forming healthy attachments. ETT is also very effective with dream work. I am also a certified facilitator of The Resilience Toolkit and Tension Releasing Exercises. Both are movement and mindfulness based techniques designed to build capacity and emotional well-being. I have twelve years of experience working with childhood trauma in residential, community-based, and private practice settings. I look forward to working with you.

location-map Worcester, VT | (802) 526 6148

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Therapeutic Cathartic Breathwork assists in the healing of the self (body/mind/ heart and awareness), while releasing repetition compulsions from the past in order to live a life based on inner authority and sovereignty. Often clients are attracted to the cathartic breath as other modalities have not resulted in completion. The Therapeutic Cathartic Breath is not a mental tool, though it releases non supportive belief systems. It is an invitation to open to expanded states of consciousness, connecting us to our larger self before there was any trauma or dis-ease. We surrender to our "true source" however we define it. We often live in the past projecting our incomplete experiences into the present and future. How we came to take our first breath and the support we received in the early developmental stages of our life informs all our later relationships. Releasing our repetition compulsions by using the cathartic connected breath frees us from the past. By learning how to become aware of the way we breathe, linking our inhales and exhales we regain self-esteem and our creative abilities and trust to live our life from a space of curiosity and inner freedom. During these times of great change, Dunja provides the intuitive wisdom to guide individuals, families and groups safely through these transitions.