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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bremerton, WA

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As a transpersonal therapist and coach, the bulk of my work is holistic in nature. This means that we are working with your whole being (light and shadow, seen and unseen, conscious and unconscious, mind and soul) with the intention of healing old wounds and patterns—personally, ancestrally, collectively. We are living in a time of great change, challenge, and promise. It is my belief that you were born here and now for a reason. Many of my clients are those called to participate in creating positive, life-affirming changes to this planet—and whatever your unique path may be, I am here to support you. This world needs your light! At my core, I believe in the human capacity for growth, change and transformation. Doing deep personal work (be it through therapy, coaching, or hypnotherapy) is a journey of recovery and discovery. I am grateful for the opportunity to provide a safe container for you to explore what is possible in your own healing journey.