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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Burlington, WA

location-map Burlington, WA | (360) 529 3107

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If you are experiencing problems with any or a combination of the following issues; anxiety,depression, alcohol/drug use, gambling, anger, internet addiction, sex addiction, please consider calling us and setting up a free consultation to discuss your situation. For over 20 years I have had the privelage of helping clients develop the necesary skills to overcome mental health and alcohol/drug use disorders in a safe, confidential, outpatient setting. Our facility is able to provide individual or group counseling for adults and teens. You can visit our website at to learn more about our treatment services. I specialize in mental health and alcohol/drug use disorders because most clients present with more than one issue. I am state licensed to provide mental health, alcohol/drug and domestic violence treatment. I am a certified gambling counselor, with additional training in hypnotherapy, internet and sex addiction. My approach to counseling features evidence based cognitive behavioral techniques designed to enable the client to reach their targeted goals. With additional specialized training in hypnotherapy we can work on problems with depression, anxiety and pain. Our staff also includes two therapy dogs who love to greet our clients.