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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Edmonds, WA

location-map Edmonds, WA | (425) 629 0786

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Are you feeling overwhelmed, stuck, worried, or out-of-control? Do you seek joy and empowerment? Are you noticing that your child is experiencing challenges socially and emotionally? I am so glad you have found your way here today. I support children and adults to explore emotions, self-discover, and heal. You will find meaning, recognize unhealthy patterns, and also personal strengths. I believe our life experiences impact our lives and relationships, but they do not have to determine the rest of our lives. I value honesty, connection, growth, perseverance, and meaningful work. These values are thread throughout my integrative approach to counseling. You will learn to process emotions without being overwhelmed so you can create the life you hope for. Children are our future. I support and empower children through the use of their primary language, play. It takes courage to reach out for support. You can expect I will provide you with a supportive and thoughtful environment to flourish in. Contact me today and we'll get started on your journey together. I look forward to connecting with you.