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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ferndale, WA

location-map Ferndale, WA | (360) 295 9633

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It takes so much courage to search for a therapist and reach out for help. Just by looking at this website, you are already taking steps towards something better. You can stop automatically reacting to thoughts, feelings, and sensations in ways that seem to only make things worse, like shutting down or exploding. Together, we can make space for tough feelings and discover how to live with meaning, purpose, and intentional action. I specialize in treating mood disorders, chronic pain, health issues and SSRDs, stress management (including professional and/or parenting stress), and prolonged grief disorder. I believe therapy should be focused and time-limited. I use evidence-based treatments, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills, Mindfulness-based treatments, traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and exposure-based treatments, such as EXRP and Prolonged Exposure. I also provide Prolonged Grief Disorder Therapy. While I can't guarantee that worries, memories, negative self-talk, or unpleasant sensations will go away, I can help you relate to them differently so they no longer get in the way of you living fully. Your life can be different. Together, we will make change a reality.