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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Kalama, WA

location-map Kalama, WA | (360) 334 3340

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I help women cultivate healthy relationships and break free from patterns of dysfunctional connections. My therapeutic approach is rooted in a deep understanding of historical and intergenerational trauma, recognizing that our past experiences often shape our present behaviors and emotions. My goal is to assist you in restoring your self-esteem, helping you recognize your inherent worth and value. Through our therapeutic journey, my aim is for you to feel more connected - both to yourself and to those around you. As a person of bi-racial identity (Yankton Dakota Sioux and western European lineage) I know something about being in relationship with those who repeatedly betray and/or abuse your trust. I am a therapist with eight years experience, dedicated to providing evidence-based and trauma-informed interventions to empower women to build healthy relationships. I understand the complexity of emotional and relationship struggles. I know that relationship wounds can hold you back, but with my help, you can take steps towards healing and growth. Please feel free to reach out to me today for a complimentary consultation and take the first step in your journey towards a more fulfilling life.